Jul 18, 2014

Task : Transferring contacts from Blackberry to Nokia Lumia handset.

In this scenario Exchange Activesync or Windows Live is configured on Nokia handset.

1) First step is to transfer contacts to MS outlook seperate Contacts Folder. One can create a new contacts folders in .pst file. Use BB Desktop Manager to sync contacts with .pst-contacts folder.

2) Once synced blackberry contacts with outlook then either use Hotmail connector & configure username@live.com account and copy contacts from .pst-> contacts to server mailbox-contacts folder or if you already have corporate mail account configured then transfer/copy contacts to that server-contacts folder.

Once all contacts are there on server contacts they will automatically get synced to nokia lumia handset with activesync in place.


One more problem faced is after transferring contacts, for some of the contacts it was allowing only calling and not SMS from contacts menu. This is due to mobile numbers saved in fields other than (Mobile Phone field) which are Business Phone, Business Phone 2... or others on which we don't have direct control. As while adding a new contact user may not notice this.

For this before 2nd step, export contacts from outlook to excel/csv file. Open that file in excel and move contacts under heading "Mobile Phone". Save & close. Then import them again in outlook - pst - contacts.
Then follow step2.

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